Higher education boosts students growth!

The United States has one of the most educated populations in the world, yet only 42% of Americans over the age of 25 have some type of college degree. 

A recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences mentions that the life expectancy of the two-thirds of Americans without a college degree is declining.

A sharp and persistent decline in the number of Americans attending college could alter American society for the worse.

Although today some various tools and platforms allow you to excel and succeed without the need to pursue higher education, they do not replace it, as it is still of utmost importance that the new generations continue with their preparation as the world increasingly faces more challenges.

Higher education not only allows students to specialize in a specific subject, but also encourages them to think differently, to develop other skills such as analysis, critical thinking, group problem solving, and many more, which undoubtedly when faced with the real world, will be of great help. Likewise, continuing with their studies allows them to boost their income, since having a degree makes their profile more attractive to companies, thus expanding their job options and salaries.

In addition to this, it is an experience that will enrich their lives in the following ways: 

  1. Increase their knowledge and will be able to become experts in the field of their liking.
  2. Be independent and free to lead a prosperous life.
  3. Gain self-confidence and be able to know their capabilities.
  4. Experience aspects of student life that will allow them to broaden their horizons, meet new people, and build a network that will benefit their future development. 
  5. Gain more recognition in the job market.
  6. Develop essential skills in their career and work-life such as communication, organization, time management, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, among others.
  7. Have the opportunity to increase their salary by 30% as opposed to those who only have a high school education. 
  8. Improve their quality of life significantly. 

While personal and professional growth does not happen overnight, over time, with small achievements and progress, students will see that they will have better career opportunities, will be able to negotiate a higher salary, will experience greater cultural awareness, and have the opportunity to live a life with more options and possibilities. The numbers don’t lie, recent studies have shown that people without higher education earn far less than their peers who earn a bachelor’s degree and are more likely to live in poverty and less likely to be employed.

Why, if this is so clear, do the numbers of people who decide to pursue careers, master’s degrees, and even doctorates continue to fall? The economic crisis indeed has something to do with it. However, several programs support students to continue their professional growth.

Schools should be the place to encourage curiosity, motivation, and interest in students about choosing a university career that will help them broaden their future. And from home, encourage them to acquire more tools that will make them more competent and prepared.

The challenges facing society and the world, in general, are increasing, and not continuing to study means being left behind to be part of the future, of the solutions, the development, the achievements of humanity, the discoveries and advances that benefit the world. Education is the key to success. It’s the key that will allow them to open paths to grow and prosper.

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